" Lifting Straps: July 2010 " " "

Thursday, July 29, 2010

195kg deadlift (430lbs)

195kg dead (straps)

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Sunday, July 25, 2010

Weight Training Muscle: The Muscle Building Weight Belt?

There are a number of muscle building aids for weight training muscle. The weight lifter uses these in order to aid his quest for strength and muscle gain through weigt training muscle. Aids such as wrist straps, chalk, and of course, the weight belt.

The weight belt:

Traditionally made of leather, the weight belt is generally wide in the rear, and has holes in the front where teeth fit in, similar to that of a normal everyday belt, but much larger. More modern day weight belts are made of different material, but the standard used in weight training muscle is the old brown leather. The belt is cinched relatively tight, but not too tight. The rational in using a belt is that it supports your back and thus prevents back injury from occurring. It is generally seen as mandatory when weight training muscle on exercises such as squats and rowing exercises where a fair amount of lower back is involved indirectly, and chances of the lower back jerking or assisting too much is of concern.

There is controversy:

While many swear by the weight belt for assistance in weight training muscle, there are others who simply don't believe they provide any help to the lower back, with some believing more harm can be caused. There are squaters who refrain from using the weight belt when weight training muscle, feeling it puts an unnatural element to the mighty muscle building exercise being performed. Other problems which have been cited with the weight belt when weight training muscle, has been the pressure put on the stomach area due to the belt cinching tightly around the waist. Some have even attributed distended abdomens as the results of tight weight belts.

My personal conclusion:

Personal experience has concluded me to be a weight belt user when weight training muscle, though not for the usual reasons. I do believe the weight belt provides some support to the lower back, but even a greater "mental support" I find to be paramount in the end. "Feeling" the belt in place causes the lifter to be extra aware of lower back isolation , and, at least for me, one slight twitch or jerk of the lower back can cause some serious problems when weight training muscle. Just the belt being there, in place, locks my back into place, both physically and mentally. I even use the weight belt for some standing shoulder weigt training muscle dumbell exercises. I believe this improves my form, my concentration, and ultimately assists in my overall weight training muscle building goals.

Loosen up!:

It is also important to loosen up your belt between sets, or at least exercises during weight training muscle workouts. I'm inconclusive on the distended abdomen theory but I do believe constant pressure on the abdomen is not a good thing; if nothing else it interrupts your breathing causing heavy gasps normally unnecessary and detrimental to proper rest between sets and exercises.

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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Best Exercises to Increase Height After Puberty

One of the best things about going through puberty is all the changes our bodies go through. Most people dread these changes as they're happening to us, but once it's over -- we're left wanting more. Very few of us ever grow as tall as we would like and lets face it: Society does place a certain amount of importance on how tall you are.

There are some exercises to increase height after puberty is long done and over with. Just remember that you have to commit yourself to several weeks of stretching, for permanent results. While you might notice a taller you right away: You have to keep stretching your ligaments, muscles and other supportive tissue surrounding your spine, so your body can adapt and fill in the gaps left by the stretching.

Look below for some great stretching exercises to increase height that will have you feeling like you just left the Chiropractor...

Hanging Stretches

You can grab a chin up bar, or other sturdy structure above your head and hang for as long as your grip can take it. Alternatively there are ankle straps that can be purchased, which will let you hang upside down for a different stretch. Hanging makes gravity work for you, rather than against you like it does when your feet are planted on the ground. Hanging is one of the most simple and easy exercises to increase height by decompressing your spine.

Toe Touch Stretch

Reaching down and touching your toes stretches your spine out also. Your hanging your torso downward, while also loosening your tight back, hamstring and neck.


All one has to do is look at the torso of a swimmer to realize how the exercise literally stretches your body out. Your pulling your lower body behind you, pulling with your upper body, in an almost zero-gravity environment which decompresses and stretches your spine.

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Saturday, July 17, 2010

Pro Push Pull Exercises Barbell Bent Over Row and Dead Lift

Pro Push Pull Exercises Barbell Bent Over Row and Dead Lift

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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Breast Reduction Surgery Can Take Care of Your Back Problems For Good

Have you ever looked at a woman with a voluptuous bust line and felt a pang of jealousy? Well if you would ask that woman what it is like living with those breasts, you would not feel jealous for long. Breasts that are too large can cause terrible back problems and add tension on the neck and shoulders. Bra shopping can be very frustrating as it is hard to find bras in the right size, and even more difficult to find bras that provide support without straps that uncomfortably dig into the shoulders. Many women with full breasts have permanent dents on their shoulders. And forget about doing any high impact activities, even when bras are doubled up, exercising can still be quite painful. If this sounds like a description of you, why not consider breast reduction surgery?

Because breast reduction surgery involves removing breast tissue and altering the position of the areola and nipple, surgeons will often recommend that the surgery is postponed until the candidate is finished with child bearing. After pregnancies, many women with large breasts will find that changes in weight and gravity make the breasts sag. Back problems can get worse as the breasts sag. Some women with large breasts will develop a noticeable hunch in the back due to the weight.

Many women dislike the way clothing looks as it hangs from their large chests. Women with oversized bust lines often complain that they look much heavier than they really are. The worst part is finding clothing that actually fits properly. It can be very difficult to find a bathing suit that isn't too revealing when you have large breasts. Many women also simply feel that their breasts are out of proportion with the size of their frames. These issues can all be resolved with a breast reduction surgery.

If you are ready to be done with those painful back problems and your supersized breasts, then take the next step and make an appointment for a consultation with a qualified plastic surgeon. In the consultation, you will share what you hope to achieve with the operation. Be sure the consultation includes a discussion of the risks and complications that may arise during and after your breast reduction surgery.

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Friday, July 9, 2010

Looking Your Best - Five Top Tips

Every woman and most men these days are aware of the importance of looking good or at least as good as possible. It matters and there is no way to say that it does not. Maybe it should not, but it does.

If you do not look right, you will have difficulties getting a date, a spouse and so, ultimately, a family of your own. If you don't look right you will have problems getting the job you want and promotion within your chosen career. And the higher up the ladder you aim to be, the more important your image will be to you and your prospects. People who take care of their appearance earn more by having better jobs and have an easier time making a wide circle of friends or networking, as it is now called, which also helps in getting the job you want.

So, if you could do with a little help, here are five of my best tips for looking good.

Keeping Up-To-Date: we all know that accessories are very important to an outfit: the bag, the scarf, the bracelets, the earrings, the bracelets, the tiara etc.. However, the outfit itself is the most expensive single item usually (OK, except for the tiara). However, you can recycle last year's outfit with this year's accessories, but this year's dress with last year's accessories never works.

Lowering Hemlines: it is a common mistake to iron a hemline until it is razor sharp. However, if you do this, then you will never be able to hide the old hemline, if you decide to lengthen your skirt. It is far better to just roll the hem and not iron within a a quarter of an inch or a centimetre of it. Nobody will either know or care and you can recycle the skirt or dress.

Sliding About: a fashion editor's tip on shoulder pads is to cut them out of light-weight tops, sweaters and dresses, as they look far more natural if the fabric moves freely over the pad, rather than the pad moving over the skin. The pads can be slipped under your bra straps, if necessary, but it is better to attach them with short loops fastened with press studs not safety pins.

Double Tights: it is probably not done as much these days, but you can get a lot of extra mileage out of a pair tights by cutting a laddered leg off a damaged pair at the thigh. You can wear two pairs for months longer and it's warmer in the winter too.

Cupboard Love: hang clothes you are not likely to wear for a long time inside out, that way they will not get so dusty. Furthermore, if your wardrobe is too short to take a full length dress, turn it inside out and sew two loops on the waist band. Then you can hang it up like a normal skirt. This method of hanging also takes the weight off a fabric that is prone to going out of shape by stretching. 

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Monday, July 5, 2010

Deadlift 515 x 4

Deadlift (Conventional) 515 x 4 reps at Snap Fitness 24-7 in Marlton, NJ. If you're looking to gain size and strength and are not performing deadlifts, then you either have a physical limitation or you are selling yourself short. I recommend learning this exercise with a trap bar first- it will be safer and easier. I perform the deadlift once per week as my max effort movement (first exercise) during a lower body training session. I use chalk until my final set- then I have to use wrist straps because my grip strength still needs to improve to manage this amount of weight.

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Thursday, July 1, 2010

600 lbs w/ 450 lbs of band tension. Brandon Lilly

This is Brandon Lilly hitting circa max before his meet. He was wearing predator briefs and Leviathan suit with straps down.

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