" Good Ab Workouts That Will Give You Amazing Results | Lifting Straps " " "

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Good Ab Workouts That Will Give You Amazing Results

So, you have finally decided to part with your beer belly once and for all. You are determined to do it well, and you can already see yourself wearing that new swimsuit you've bought to motivate yourself to lose all the fat in your midsection.

However, there is one gnawing question that most home lovers frequently ask me: Do you have to go to the gym to get those amazing-looking abs? It's actually not necessary. Actually, it doesn't take much to work your abs to to shape. All you need is the discipline to do them consistently, so the results will become much faster and effective for you. Here are some good ab workouts you can try at home.


The standard exercise for the abdomen, these simple exercises is very effective in toning down your midsection in sync. If you want to target your obliques, try performing your sit-ups by switching over diagonally to the side. Try to let your elbow and knee touch each other while you alternate legs and elbows together.

Hanging Leg Raises

This is another one of the effective ab exercises around, although you have to be physically fit and strong in the abs area to execute this movement effectively. It's very easy to do: Simply attach your feet to the straps that are attached to the cable station. Use your legs to bring your upper body bent or straight towards the cable.

Stationary Bike Crunches

Crunches have a lot of variations, and stationary bike crunches are one of those advanced exercises that can truly make you exert a lot of effort. This type of crunches is really quite intense, because it usually employs all the muscular regions of the stomach, such as the lower abdominals, oblique abs, and rectus abdominals. If you want to do it properly, lie on the floor, with your back rounded and hands behind your neck. Then, lift your knees up to from a 90 degree angle. Make sure that your upper abs are fully engaged (don't let them rest!), and your lower abs will do most of the work in lifting your knees up. Move to your center while touching your opposite elbow to your knee.

Try these three exercises and make sure that you execute them properly. Remember: Consistency is the key here. The more consistent you are in your ab workouts, the faster you'll see the results.

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