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Saturday, May 15, 2010

How to Gain Muscle Fast - Use Supersets

If you want to know how to gain muscle fast, you are going to want to know about Supersets. Supersets are used by many to help build muscle in a shorter amount of time. Supersets are a weightlifting technique that essentially shocks your muscles into rapid growth. They are also incredibly useful for overcoming weight loss and muscle building plateaus that everyone reaches from time to time.

So what is a Superset? A normal workout routine will have you concentrating on one exercise at a time, doing a few sets with a short rest in between each set. A Superset involves two exercises, going back and forth between the two. You move rapidly from a set of exercise A to a set of exercise B with no rest in between.

There are quite a few benefits to doing Supersets. The first is that it saves you time by limiting the amount of rest you take between each set which makes your workouts much more efficient. It also increases the intensity of your workouts. Your muscles get stressed much more, since there is no time for them to rest.

If you want to know how to gain muscle fast and not get bored doing it, then Supersets are the right way to go. They make your workouts much more interesting and they are easy to put together. You just pick two exercises you want to do and do them. There is a lot of variety that can be used in planning the workout as well.

There are several different types of Supersets you can make use of.

1. Pre-exhaustion Supersets involve doing an isolation exercise followed  by a compound exercise. Doing this takes the muscle you are wanting to target beyond the level it is normally able to handle. You stress it with the isolation exercise and then work it hard again using other muscle groups to assist the first muscle group. An example of this would be to do dumbell flys and then spin around on the bench to do a bench press.

2. Post-exhaustion Supersets are the exact opposite of the pre-exhaustion Supersets.

3. Compound Supersets involve two compound exercises working the same muscle group like moving straight from lunges into squats. This causes a lot more stress to the body and requires a longer recovery period after the workout. It is also easy for you to get sloppy doing this because of the amount of stress on whole muscle groups. Getting sloppy can lead to serious injury so be careful.

4. Isolation Supersets involve two isolation exercises targeting the same muscles. Do barbell curls followed by double hammer curls. Anything where you are working out the same muscle groups.

5. Opposing Muscle Supersets are working out opposing muscle groups. The most commonly done ones are working the biceps and then working the triceps. You could do exercises working your calves and hamstrings and then do another working your thighs. This is good because it gives each muscle group a chance to rest and does help with strength training more than other types of Supersets.

6. The Staggered Superset is where you work two completely different body parts. This is especially beneficial if you alternate one large muscle or muscle group with a smaller one. Do a big chest workout and then switch to doing crunches. This way you can get a workout on some of the more neglected areas in the middle of a larger workout. Also if there is one body part that is lagging behind in development it is a good time to focus on that one.

If you start doing Supersets you will see an increase in size and definition of your muscles. If you aren't content with this and are still wanting to know how to gain muscle fast, then kick it up a notch by using Tri-sets, where you use three exercises instead of two.

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